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Snazzcat! (Traditional Klahtian exclamation of excitement) - Free NZ shipping over $250!
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The Unchartered Cavern of Aemarak

Cavern in Aemarak, West Klah. Although discovered many years ago, parts of the cave have never been explored properly, partly due to the spitting bats that lurk amongst the stalagmites, and partly due to the stalagmites themselves, which have an infuriating tendency to ask passersby questions such as "What are you doing with your life?", and "Do you think your goals are realistic?" and "What's your plan B?" Few explorers can sustain such questioning, and most run screaming from the cavern within minutes of arrival. Tourism Klah recommends experiencing the cavern through pictures such as this one, and has given it a danger rating of 14 / 16.4

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