Snazzcat! (Traditional Klahtian exclamation of excitement) - Free NZ shipping over $250!
Snazzcat! (Traditional Klahtian exclamation of excitement) - Free NZ shipping over $250!
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The Garden of Monoi

Historic photograph of the Royal Master Artist posing with some of her mates in the Garden of Monoi (pronounced Mono-eye). The garden was originally created by a Mr Wanzalig Werginoch, a monocle salesman, in the hope of breeding some more customers - but unfortunately for him, it turned out the birds and beasts of this garden are all born with perfect vision. Not the best depth of field of course, so if you do go for a visit, be prepared for some comical animal collision - definitely a must visit if you’ve always wanted to butt heads with a snake, walk into a bird, or trip over a lizard.

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